Okanagan Largest Outdoor Yoga Class ~ Oranj Fitness
What a treat it was to teach this year at oranj's event Okanagan's Largest Outdoor Yoga Class. This year was the seventh year and it just keeps getting better. Years ago when I was managing oranj I helped co-ordinate this class; so it was fun to get to simply show up and teach... far less work! The oranj team did a great job at getting the word out and the community came out to support.
It's really special practicing in a big group, looking up and seeing 400 others around you. We are fortunate in Kelowna to have a community space like this, that is right by the lake and can easily accommodate us all. The money ($1740) raised will go to oranj's Mats for Metta and from there they will use it to provide yoga props to the community. Just last year they donated mats and blocks to a project I co-founded Lit From Within, that supports yoga and meditation in the Okanaga.
I love teaching yoga one-on -one and small groups, but there is an energy created by a group this size that is palpable, and being outside makes it just that much sweeter. If you are searching for more outdoor yoga this summer I have got you covered!!
Every Saturday morning at the peaceful Kelowna Mountain Park I co-teach a class with Shauna Nyrose 9:30am-10:30. Coming up Friday August 21st we are offering a beautiful evening Sunset Yoga Class at The Hotel Eldorado, and if you want to submerse yourself in yoga and nature, we have a retreat for YOU in September!! Details on all of this: Okanaga Yoga Retreats.
Thank you to everyone who came out this morning, it really is becasue of you that I get to do what I love, I look forwward to seeing you soon.
~with love