We Lit up the Night
Last Sunday June 21st, the summer solstice, international yoga day, and yes fathers day (our oversight when picking the date...) we gathered together for Light up the Night, a sunset yoga class and silent auction.
The evening was a beautiful fundraiser dedicated to Lit From Within. A project aimed at funding yoga and meditation for those dealing with trauma/addiction in the Okanagan.
This was our third fundraising event and it felt amazing. We knew from the moment we envisioned this project that each fundraising event would be an experience to remember. A gift to the Kelowna yoga community for their support in our en devours. Well this last event was a moving evening, we slowed it down and let it be simple, it was perfect in its simplicity. We had a beautiful location, the breeze, a bird singing along to the acoustic guitar, and the weather on our side. The rooftop yoga class started in the evening and we wrapped up the practice and moved into meditation right as the sun was setting, the energy was powerful and sensitive. It is moments like that I feel overcome with gratitude for the privilege to be apart of this work.
After class the Okanaga yoga community was so generous with our silent auction. Firstly local businesses outdid themselves in donations and then guests were very kind with their bids. It was a lovely evening for worthy cause.
We raised $4300 giving this community over 85 yoga classes! That is something special. With a medical and mental health system that has its challenges we feel fortunate to share this practice with people that may otherwise never have the chance to feel the peace granted from a yoga and mediation practice.
If you would like to make a donation etranserfs to litfromwithinproject@gmail.com are graciously accepted.
Something we are very proud of is that there are no administration fees. Myself, Shauna Nyrose, Pam Rader, and Shanna, donate our time and skills to Lit from Within so every cent raised goes to running classes. This project is grass roots, nothing fancy, just a lot of love and a desire to help the healing to those suffering in our community.
Chelsea Ray
THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL THESE LOCAL STUDIOS AND BUSINESSES who donated SO GENEROUSLY to our silent auction. The proceeds by far exceeded our expectations.
Watermark Beach Resort
The Cove Lakeside Resort & The Spa at the Cove
Predator Ridge Resort
The Eldorado Hotel
Big White Ski Resort
Orchard Park Mall
Lululemon Bernard Ave
Okanagan Lifestyle Apparel
Shift Power Yoga
Oranj Fitness
Moksha Yoga Kelowna
The Women's Place
Karma Yoga
Tandava Yoga
Alchemy Juice
Ahimsa OM
Pomme Salon
Gratitude Cafe
Glow Juicery
Jason Parkes Custom Wines
Legacy Garage Doors
Nuturing Touch Massage
Kendra Dixon Paintings